Minutes of the Monthly Business Meeting
Tuesday, March 5 ,2019
Meeting called to order by President Doni Smith at 7:12 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance led by Bud Gerber.
Opening prayer was done by Bill Manion
Attendance sheet is being passed around.
A motion made by Bill Manion seconded by Matt Oswald to accept the Business Meeting Minutes from February 5 ,2019 and with all in favor, no opposition, motion approved.
Kitchen Duties: Mike Parsons, Lynda Fisher, Bill Fisher
President, Doni Smith: Updated the membership on the following items:
- Shamrock the block parade Sunday 3/17/19 be here at 10:30am
- Please shut the kitchen doors on the refrigerator, they have been being left open.
- 3/19/19 drug testing here at 6pm then going right into drill.
- Well wishes and care packages have been sent to Austin Gentner, Jason Berry, and John Earl.
- Discussion on purchasing a new printer/copier for the firehouse.
- Discussion on member eligibility for the cell phone benefit. Mike Parsons has a motion on the floor that Robb Hickey is NOT entitled to the cell phone benefit for 2018, this motion was 2nd by Bob Leombruno. 2- yes 14- no 10 abstentions
- Eligible members for the new New York State Volunteer Firefighter Cancer Benefit Policy, effective 01-01-2019 the list is as folows; Hank Chrzanowski, Tyler Dupaw, Bob Leombruno, Dennis Mitchell, Matt Oswald, Mike Parsons, Scott Smith, Joe Sullivan.
Vice President Paul Livingston – updated the membership on the following.
- Letters to members who have missed meetings in 2018 letting them know that they are being watched this year
- Scott Smith has a motion on the floor to open bids to the membership for 30 days for $4,500 to sell in house first, if no one buys, we will put it out to other companies. All bids must be placed in the lock box outside the comm room for the Yukon after it is done getting fixed. The motion was 2nd by Garrett.
- Question on the 1931 antique, what is going on with it this year…
- Red van has two front tires that are getting flat.
- Judge Corkland’s house is being torn down tomorrow 3-6-19
Secretary, Jessica McKinney – updated the membership on the following.
- No report.
Treasurer, Bob Leombruno – updated the membership on the following.
- 2018 budget was imbalanced- the town paid the 209-D money that was owed. The Town is working hard to stay in communication with us.
- Doni Smith read a letter to the membership, resignation letter from Toni Whipple who is no longer able to do her services. We have interviewed another candidate and she is ready to start. Joe Oswald has a motion on the floor to hire this woman and have her start right away. This motion was 2nd by John Cocozza.
Director, Garrett Ramsey- updated the membership on the following.
- No report
Director, Mike Parsons – updated the membership on the following.
- No report
Director, Mac MacDonald – updated the membership on the following.
- No report.
Chief, Scott Smith – updated the membership on the following.
- Thanks for the really good responses.
- Shamrock the block parade 3-17-19 be here at 10:30am
- Scott packs have not been being stretched out after calls.
- Policy change effective 3-5-19- no turnout gear is to be worn past the bay doors. The policy to be in gear while standing by in the bay on calls is no longer in effect. Signs will be placed in the building for boundaries.
1st Asst. Chief, Matt Oswald – updated the membership on the following.
- Drills
- 2 night OSHA classes here? Something we are interested in?
2nd Asst. Chief– Jeremy Crispell
- We have been approved for the Glens Falls pool for 3 Saturdays, the dates are as follows; Saturday 3-9-19, 4-13-19, and 5-11-19 all days please be here by 9am to be at the pool by 10am. We have the pool from 10am-12pm
Captain Brandon Combs – updated the membership on the following.
- Thank you for everyone’s good response.
- Foam drill early in the spring??
1st Lieutenant John Cocozza – updated the Membership on the following
- Barrel fest went well. The man who works in the distillery wants to give us a tour of the ventilation system.
- A mask was discovered that has been broken and that has been taken OOS.
2nd Lieutenant Austin Gentner – updated the membership on the following.
- No report.
Standing Committees
Membership, Scott Smith- no report
Nominating, Bill Manion – qualifications are posted outside the comm room.
Auditing, John Kearney – no report.
By-Law, Doni Smith – proposed by-law amendment posted on 2-5-19. 22- yes 1-no 1-abstention.
Fire Prevention, John Cocozza- no report.
Phil Wood Award, Bill Manion – no report
Scholarship, Don Fangboner – no report
Social, Doni Smith – no report.
Chaplain, Bill Manion- no report
House, Don Fangboner- no report.
Family Festival/Craft Show, Doni Smith- no report
Fundraising, Mac MacDonald- no report
Parade/Uniform- Garrett Ramsey/John Cocozza- no report
Public Relations, Scott Smith- no report.
Recruitment and Retention/LOSAP- Mike Parsons/Bob Leombruno– Mike no report – Bob report was passed around and then the last two months will be posted outside the Comm Room.
Vehicles, Garrett Ramsey- new tires on 330 and 332. 332 has a new dump shoot, tower 3 is getting a new motor for the bucket leveler, exhaust has been fixed 330, Yukon is being fixed.
Hudson Valley/ FASNY, Bill Manion– 2020 convention is now open. South Glens Falls has withdrawn their sponsorship. Are we interested? Doni Smith has a motion on the floor to inquire on co-hosting the convention and having the parades here this motion was 2nd by Matt Oswald 7- yes 17 no 1 abstention. Motion did not pass.
Special Committees
Sergeant-at-Arms, Bud Gerber- no report.
Auxiliary, Doni Smith- the ladies have sent a report of thing they would like to see in the kitchen. We would like to look at this list and put a basket together for them to give them at the banquet as their gift.
A motion was made by Matt Oswald seconded by Bill Manion to accept the Special Committee and Standing Committee reports as read. All in favor, no opposition, motion carried.
Old Business:
- Cell phone through Jim Barber is now working. Please see Jim if you need an information packet please give him your information tonight (e-mail).
New Business:
- Mac MacDonald has a 46” lightbar in his basement- he paid $1,200 for it and would like $600 for it.
- Interception of Sheryll and Phillips street- a woman has been parking in front of the plowed out fire hydrant.
- Paul Livingston has inherited a silver Honda Accord with Massachusetts plates on it and a fire plate- if you see it parked at the firehouse, do not tow it!
- Grant Gentner said a thank you to everyone who has reached out to Austin- he is out for 6 weeks and would love to see anyone who would like to visit!
Closing Prayer – given by Bill Manion
A motion was made by Brandon Combs seconded by Brad Lashway to adjourn at 9:32 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica McKinney
Secretary, LGVFC
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