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Minutes of the Board of Directors – July 15, 2019


Meeting called to order by President Smith at 7:15 pm

Roll call was done by Secretary Jessica McKinney  


A motion was made by Mike Parsons with a second by Bob Leombruno to accept the June 2019 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes as distributed, all in favor, no opposition, motion was approved.


President Doni Smith:  updated the Board on the following items.

  • The Hudson Valley Fireman’s Home boat ride is September 18th, 2019 this year.
  • Bob Evans is still doing a wonderful job here keeping the building clean. The Village did not have money to give him a job so we will just be awarding him LOSAP points for all of his work.

Vice President Paul Livingston:    updated the Board on the following.

  • No report.

Secretary Jessica McKinney:

  • No report

Treasurer Robert Leombruno:

  • June had 23 vouchers totaling $6,194.91

BOD Garrett Ramsey:  – updated the Board on the following:

  • No report

BOD Mike Parsons:    updated the Board on the following:

  • No report.

BOD James Barber:  updated the Board on the following:

  • Question about the First Responder program and the money that is budgeted for it as to where it goes and what it is being used for.

Old Business:

  • Nothing at this time.

New Business:  

  • Robb Hickey made a statement that he is going to be paying close attention to what money we are spending that should be going back to the village for next year’s budget.
  • Robb Hickey also stated that he would like to give the village the boat, the dive van and the 6 wheeler. He said he is going to be bringing this up to the Company at the next General Meeting.




The next board meeting will be on Monday August 19, 2019 at 7pm.

*Meeting was moved to Wednesday August 21, 2019*

Motion to adjourn by Mike Parsons seconded by Garrett Ramsey with all in favor, motion accepted at 9:05pm.       


Respectfully Submitted,

Jessica McKinney, Secretary

Lake George Volunteer Fire Company Inc.