Minutes of the Board of Directors – May 20, 2019
Meeting called to order by President Smith at 7:15 pm
Roll call was done by Secretary Jessica McKinney, roster attached;
A motion was made by Garrett Ramsey with a second by Mike Parsons to accept the April 2019 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes as distributed, all in favor, no opposition, motion was approved.
President Doni Smith: updated the Board on the following items.
- Letters are coming off of the Yukon. Then they will be here to pay when that is done and the Yukon will be gone soon.
Vice President Paul Livingston: updated the Board on the following.
- Absent. No report
Secretary Jessica McKinney:
- No report
Treasurer Robert Leombruno:
- April had 22 vouchers submittred totaling $23,090.00
BOD Garrett Ramsey: – updated the Board on the following:
- No report
BOD Mike Parsons: updated the Board on the following:
- Minutes need to be more in depth.
BOD James Barber: updated the Board on the following:
- Asked a question about the vouchers, how they are done and what to do if he has a question about them. It was answered that he can ask any of the board members his questions and they should be able to answer it for hi
Old Business:
- Jim Barber touches on John Kearney’s report from last month. He would like to know whether the Village is deeming these as training points. Mike Parsons believes that he took this class on his own, he should hold the responsibility. He also believes that he could have taken the class again here. Doni Smith is going to speak with the village to see if they qualify this as a training class or not. The Board is voting that they do not wish to award John Kearney training points for his defensive driving class that he took at home on his personal time. 6 yes 0 no 0 abstentions. The Board is not going to award John Kearney training points for the defensive driving class that he took at home.
New Business:
- Jim Barber asked that when Olde Log Inn delivered food here, was there a gratuity added because if we had gone to the restaurant we would have. Also, they believe that when pizza gets delivered here the gratuity needs to be paid by the Company and not out of a members’ pocket. When you call to order, ask them to add a tip please.
- The Board met with the Auxiliary last week. The Company is taking over the monthly meeting meals for the summer, for the months of June, July, and August. The Auxiliary is getting a little tired so we will be ordering out for those months and Paul Livingston is who is going to get that together.
- More discussion on issues that some of the members of the department are having with the Auxiliary and their members.
The next board meeting will be on Monday June 17, 2019 at 7pm.
Motion to adjourn by Garrett Ramsey seconded by Bob Leombruno with all in favor, motion accepted at 7:55pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jessica McKinney, Secretary
Lake George Volunteer Fire Company Inc.
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