Minutes of the Board of Directors – June 17, 2019
Meeting called to order by President Smith at 7:10 pm
Roll call was done by Secretary Jessica McKinney, roster attached;
A motion was made by Paul Livingston with a second by Mike Parsons to accept the May 2019 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes as distributed, all in favor, no opposition, motion was approved.
President Doni Smith: updated the Board on the following items.
- Yukon is gone. The plates have been turned in and it is being taken off of the insurance.
- The Mayor has been in touch. The Chicken BBQ in August has been canceled, there may be one in September.
- Gall’s invoices- outstanding invoices from 2017 and 2018 that we just came upon. There is nothing on file saying that we paid them so we can pay the invoices off totaling $1,389.00. The voucher needs to still be signed by the chairman so we will table it until next month.
- Bob Evans has been appointed a 30 day trial run for cleaning the firehouse. He has been doing an amazing job here, everything is looking so much better and smelling so much better. There has been a checklist made for him of what needs to be done and he has been following it and doing a great job. We are looking for a way to get him 15 LOSAP points for the year for doing this. Paul Livingston had a thought of talking with the Mayor to see if they could give him a part time job for 15-20 hours a week and be paid by the village. Doni Smith is going to call the village and speak with the Mayor about something getting together with that route. If it does not work we will go back and look into LOSAP points.
- We received a $500.00 donation from Adirondack Pub.
Vice President Paul Livingston: updated the Board on the following.
- No report
Secretary Jessica McKinney:
- No report
Treasurer Robert Leombruno:
- May had 52 vouchers totaling $ 20,204.49
- Discussion about issues with getting the $400.00 credit into cell phone benefits to the bank accounts. It should be mailed in and not done online because then it will not be a big issue here.
- Amazon charged tax on an order- what are we going to do about it? Doni Smith had said that she has sent them the tax exempt form but since they are a ‘fulfilment’ company they can not do the tax exempt form.
- Discussion on pay-pal, what money is there and the different companies and categories that it goes to; company donations, store sales, chicken bbq, John Cocozza benefit, etc. Bob would like pay-pal contacted and to have a paper statement from pay-pal so we know where the money is going and where it will be.
- Was there a new battery ordered for the dive van since it did not start the other day?
BOD Garrett Ramsey: – updated the Board on the following:
- Pump is fixed on 331 and back in service.
BOD Mike Parsons: updated the Board on the following:
- The annex building is starting to get crammed with stuff again and there is getting to be less and less room over there. Is this stuff going to be moved soon?
BOD James Barber: updated the Board on the following:
- Asked about where we stand on the Cancer Benefit policy. Who is being added? What are the requirements.
- Camera monitoring prices going to the village. Why is the village not paying for these camera’s if it is in the village’s fire house. We are going to continue to save the village money. We are slacking on getting three quotes on purchasing anything and seeing what is under state contract.
Old Business:
- John Kearney- his issue with the defensive driving course that he took on his own off-site because he was out of town. So this issue should be put to rest.
New Business:
- Paul Livingston brought up about the tag day letter and he thinks that we need to be general about what we put in the tag day letter.
- Jim Barber brought up that there is a weird charge for $84.06 withdrawn from the bank account and it goes back to being from Verizon with Jim’s name on it because he is the head chairman for the account. Doni Smith has to go to the bank and sign a sheet to have the charges reversed with Verizon it to see what account it came from to see what account has the balance seeing it is moved.
The next board meeting will be on Monday July 15, 2019 at 7pm.
Motion to adjourn by Mike Parsons seconded by Bob Leombruno with all in favor, motion accepted at 9:05pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jessica McKinney, Secretary
Lake George Volunteer Fire Company Inc.
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