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Minutes of the Board of Directors – December 17, 2018


Meeting called to order by President Smith at 7:12  pm

Roll call was done by Secretary Jessica McKinney, roster attached;  


A motion was made by Paul Livingston with a second by Garrett Ramsey to accept the December 3, 2018 (November Meeting) Board of Directors Meeting Minutes as distributed, all in favor, no opposition, motion was approved.


President Doni Smith:  updated the Board on the following items.

  • Meeting with the Town tomorrow 12-18 about 209-D money. Will follow up at January meeting to membership
  • Budget committee will be having a meeting to discuss 2019 budget
  • Defensive driving class will be offered in the new year.
  • CPR class will also be offered in the new year also, February?

Vice President Paul Livingston:    updated the Board on the following.

  • Joe Oswald and Matt Oswald need letters sent to them to come before the board for missing 3 meetings in a row. A list of all members will be pulled.


Secretary Jessica McKinney:

  • No report.

Treasurer Robert Leombruno:

  • Novembers numbers; 20 vouchers totaling $4,806.66
  • Decembers numbers; 21 vouchers totaling $5637.21


 BOD Garrett Ramsey:  – updated the Board on the following:

  • No report

BOD Mike Parsons:    updated the Board on the following:

  • No report.


BOD Mac MacDonald:  updated the Board on the following:

  • Absent. No report

Old Business:

New Business:  

  • Robb Hickey is making a request to get the last 3 records from 2016, 2017, and 2018 who received the phone benefit and he would like the finding of an investigation of the treasurer being convicted of a felony, crime, or being bonded.
  • Bob Leombruno is making a recommendation to have the by-law re-worded to state that no one needs to be investigated before they are appointed to their office.

The next board meeting will be on Monday January 21, 2018 at 7pm.

Motion to adjourn by Garrett Ramsey seconded by Bob Leombruno with all in favor, motion accepted at 7:35pm.       


Respectfully Submitted,

Jessica McKinney, Secretary

Lake George Volunteer Fire Company Inc.