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Minutes of the Board of Directors – December 3, 2018 (November Meeting)


Meeting called to order by President Smith at 7:12  pm

Roll call was done by President Jessica McKinney, roster attached;  


A motion was made by Paul Livingston with a second by Bob Leombruno to accept the October 18, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes as distributed, all in favor, no opposition, motion was approved.

President Doni Smith:  updated the Board on the following items.

  • Discussion with Councilman Dan Hurley about 209-D money, will speak to Jenn in the morning and update the membership at the monthly meeting tomorrow night.

Vice President Paul Livingston:    updated the Board on the following.

  • No report


Secretary Jessica McKinney:

  • No report.

Treasurer Robert Leombruno:

  • 2019 budget will be reported in the future
  • Discussion on the 209-D money issue.


BOD Garrett Ramsey:  – updated the Board on the following:

  • No report.

BOD Mike Parsons:    updated the Board on the following:

  • Meetings need to be on their said date, the third Tuesday of every month, not being changed numerous times.


BOD Mac MacDonald:  updated the Board on the following:

  • Absent. No report

Old Business:

  • Robb Hickey made a statement that in September there was a voucher submitted for the $400 cell phone benefit of him. Bob Leombruno answered his question by stating that the check was written and signed but he voided the check because he was under the impression that the board could only accept $250 at a time. Paul Livingston responded to Bob Leombruno that in the new by-laws it is stated that the amount to be approved is now unlimited. A motion is on the floor from Doni Smith that $400 gets moved from the discretionary fund into the cell phone incentive. This motion was 2nd by Paul Livingston. Discussion. 5 yes 0 no 1 abstention. (Bob Leombruno is opposed to passing this motion).
  • Discretionary fund has $2,500 in it still that has not been touched.
  • Doni Smith made a motion to rescind the policy that was approved in last meetings minutes. 2nd by Paul Livingston. Discussion. 5 yes 0 no 1 abstention


New Business:  

  • Scott Smith came in and made a statement that he needs to move some money around in his budgets for storage of MR-1. Bob Leombruno made a motion to move $1,500 from the Chief’s food budget to Chief’s repairs budget. 2nd from Garrett Ramsey. Discussion. All in favor. Motion carried.


The next board meeting will be on Monday December 17, 2018 at 7pm.

Motion to adjourn by Paul Livingston seconded by Garrett Ramsey with all in favor, motion accepted at 8:26pm.       


Respectfully Submitted,

Jessica McKinney, Secretary

Lake George Volunteer Fire Company Inc.