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Minutes of the Board of Directors – October 15, 2018


Meeting called to order by President Smith at 7:14  pm

Roll call was done by President Doni Smith, roster attached;  


A motion was made by Mac MacDonald with a second by Paul Livingston to accept the September 17, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes as distributed, all in favor, no opposition, motion was approved.


President Doni Smith:  updated the Board on the following items.

  • Bolton’s 100th anniversary parade went well, we had a decent showing.

Vice President Paul Livingston:    updated the Board on the following.

  • No report

Secretary Jessica McKinney:

  • Absent. No report.

Treasurer Robert Leombruno:  9930.95

  • 26 vouchers this month totaling $9,930.95


 BOD Garrett Ramsey:  – updated the Board on the following:

  • No report.

BOD Mike Parsons:    updated the Board on the following:

  • Thank you to everyone who helped with Max’s funeral.
  • We really need to work on fixing up the antique

BOD Mac MacDonald:  updated the Board on the following:

  • No report

Old Business:

  • Things stacked outside of the annex building need to be moved and the basketball hoop needs to be moved.
  • Discussion of 209-D money.


New Business:  

  • Lawyer bills are coming out of our fire budget, Chief Smith was informed by the Village by this.
  • Discussion on the edits to cell phone policy by-law.
  • Doni Smith has a motion on the floor to accept the new policy, she received a 2nd from Bob Leombruno. Discussion. Yes 4 No 0 Abstentions 0. Motion carried.

The next board meeting will be on Monday November 19, 2018 at 7pm.

Motion to adjourn by Mac MacDonald  seconded by Bob Leombruno with all in favor, motion accepted at 8:20pm.       

Respectfully Submitted,

Jessica McKinney, Secretary

Lake George Volunteer Fire Company Inc.