BOD Special Meeting April 25, 2018
Attendance: Brandon Combs, Doni Smith, Scott Smith, Bob Leombruno, Mike Parsons, Mac MacDonald, John Cocozza, Jessica McKinney with Special Guests: Deputy Mayor, John Earl and Village Trustee John Root.
- Continued discussion on Jason and his computer issue. Meeting with two members from the Village of Lake George to get their input and opinion on the issue.
- Doni has the official receipt from Russ on the cost to get the rest of the software to continue to try and recover the files from the Chief’s computer.
- Opinion from the village board: Approach him from the fire company first, give him the cold truth about what he did
- He should be suspended immediately after this meeting indefinitely until this investigation has come to a close. His key inside the firehouse should be turned off.
- This should be re-worded to “Relieved of his duties” instead of suspended.
- A letter will be sent to him at his legal address, an e-mail will be sent to him, a copy of this letter will be available to him at the Village of Lake George Hall, in his locker at the fire house, and in his mailbox at the firehouse.
- The letter will state that he has been relieved of his duties until he has a meeting with the board members. He has been given a date and time to meet with the board. His key will be shut off and anyone who lets him into the firehouse with their key will face disciplinary action.