Minutes of the Monthly Business Meeting
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Meeting called to order by President Doni Smith at 7:10 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance led by Bud Gerber.
Opening prayer was done by Bill Manion
Attendance sheet is being passed around.
A motion made by ________ seconded by ___________ to accept the Business Meeting Minutes from November 6 ,2018 with all in favor, no opposition, motion approved.
Kitchen Duties: Austin Gentner, Jeremy Crispell, Hollis Olden
President, Doni Smith: Updated the membership on the following items:
- Happy New Year
- Welcome back Macky
- Caldwell Presbyterian church is doing a blood drive January 10, 2019 1:00PM-6:00PM
- Defensive driving class February 9, 2019 8:00AM-3:00PM
- CPR refresher will be soon- date TBD.
- Investigation on Asst. Chief Jeremy Crispell. Doni Smith has a letter from Waterhorse Adventures stating that Jeremy Crispell did not complete his course when it was originally brought to the membership. Bob Leombruno brought back his motion from the December 4, 2018 meeting that was 2nd by Jim Barber stating that he would like to have the membership vote to have this matter go to the Village and recommend to the Village to have him relieved of his duties as a firematic officer. Discussion. Vote; 14 no 6 yes 3 abstains
Vice President Paul Livingston – updated the membership on the following.
- No report.
Secretary, Jessica McKinney – updated the membership on the following.
- No report
Treasurer, Bob Leombruno – updated the membership on the following.
- No report.
Director, Garrett Ramsey- updated the membership on the following.
- No report.
Director, Mike Parsons – updated the membership on the following.
- No report.
Director, Mac MacDonald – updated the membership on the following.
- Absent
Chief, Scott Smith – updated the membership on the following.
- 330 will now be used for miscellaneous calls like power lines down etc. If you are cleared to drive!
- Warrensburg standby 6-10pm for their Christmas party- 5:30 at station
- Demo tower ladder is coming Tuesday the 11th. We can do anything we wish with this truck.
- The white board in the bay is getting narrowed down.
- Good job on the past few fire calls.
- Area behind 331 is not to be the keeper of the working table.
- Sheets have been looking pretty well
- Polar Plunge on 1/1/18- please be here 11am to be ready for first swim at 1:00
1st Asst. Chief, Matt Oswald – updated the membership on the following.
- Absent- Chief Smith is reading his report
- Classes being offered;
- Principles of fire instruction
- Fast
- IS0
- 12/11- 7pm wet dry hydrant
- 12/18- Apparatus pump refresher
- 12/25 no drill. Merry Christmas!!
- Excellent work at Beach Rd fire.
2nd Asst. Chief– Jeremy Crispell
- Good job on structure fires this past month
- Please make sure you are filling out the sheets correctly
- 12/15/18 dive drill. Meet here at 9am to be at pool by 10am.
Discussion on the behavior of Jeremy Crispell was brought up by Bob Leombruno. He stated at a previous meeting Jeremy Crispell was applauded by the membership for finishing a dive course, it was determined that that statement was false and Bob Leombruno stated that he believed Jeremy Crispell is unsafe and unfit for his job. There is a motion on the floor by Bob Leombruno and 2nd by Jim Barber to have Jeremy Crispell relieved from his department and firematic officership effective immediately and to have votes done by secret ballot. Bob Leombruno decided to rescind his motion. A new motion is on the floor by Bob Leombruno and 2nd by Jim Barber to recommend to the village that Jeremy Crispell be relieved of his officership duties by a secret ballot. Discussion. This motion has been tabled until the January 8, 2019 meeting.
Captain Brandon Combs – updated the membership on the following.
- New hood is in that I am in possession of. See me if you would like to try it out
- 10 New pagers are here
- People have been caught wearing the improper ppe on scenes.
- New National Grid training with natural gas, electricity, and power line safety.
1st Lieutenant John Cocozza – updated the Membership on the following
- Absent
2nd Lieutenant Austin Gentner – updated the membership on the following.
- No report
Standing Committees
Membership, Scott Smith- meeting with 2 applicants this week
Nominating, Bill Manion – no report.
Auditing, John Kearney – no report.
By-Law, Doni Smith – amendment to election procedures.
Fire Prevention, John Cocozza- no report.
Phil Wood Award, Bill Manion – no report
Scholarship, Don Fangboner – no report
Social, Doni Smith – Christmas party went well.
Chaplain, Bill Manion- 10 widows.
House, Don Fangboner- light needs to be fixed outside of the meeting room. The Amherst street door is also being held up.
Family Festival/Craft Show, Matt Oswald- no report
Fundraising, Mac MacDonald- no report
Parade/Uniform- Garrett Ramsey/John Cocozza- no report
Public Relations, Scott Smith- no report.
Recruitment and Retention/LOSAP- Mike Parsons/Bob Leombruno- LOSAP sheets are being passed around for this month. 21 fire 28 ems calls.
Vehicles, Garrett Ramsey- Jeremy’s car has been serviced with new brakes.
Hudson Valley/ FASNY, Bill Manion– no report.
Special Committees
Sergeant-at-Arms, Bud Gerber- no report.
Auxiliary, Doni Smith- A thank you letter from the Auxiliary thanking the department for their Christmas gifts this year.
A motion was made by Brandon Combs seconded by Eric Beecher to accept the Special Committee and Standing Committee reports as read. All in favor, no opposition, motion carried.
Old Business:
- According to the Town they paid the Village the 209-D money. The village says that the town did not pay the money this year, they paid it last year. A message has been left with Jenn at the Town to find out where the money is.
New Business:
- Jim Barber has been approached by Bernie and Charlene Schultz about the Memorial at Alexander Funeral Home for Max Ross. This event will take place December 15th. Anyone who would like to attend please R.S.V.P by December 9th.
- Mike Parsons has a motion on the floor to amend article V section B number 3 of the by-laws stating Life members are those persons who are presently and formerly active members who attains (twenty) 20 years active service which have qualified for state LOSAP. Life numbers are not required to maintain minimum duty requirements. The life members may vote in meetings and elections, except that they shall not be permitted to vote for firematic officers if not active at the time of elections. They shall be entitled to attend all Company functions participate in committees and receive all benefits of the fire Company. This motion was 2nd by Jim Barber. Discussion. The amendment will be posted for 30 days.
Closing Prayer – given by Bill Manion
A motion was made by Eric Beecher seconded by Brandon Combs to adjourn at 9:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica McKinney
Secretary, LGVFC