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Minutes of the Monthly Business Meeting

Tuesday, October 2, 2018



Meeting called to order by President Doni Smith at 7:08 pm.


 The Pledge of Allegiance led by Ray Calore. 


Opening prayer was done by Bill Manion


Attendance sheet is being passed around.


A motion made by Mac seconded by Austin to accept the Business Meeting Minutes from September 4,2018 with all in favor, no opposition, motion approved.


Kitchen Duties: Scott Smith, Craig Underwood and Nick Benjamin


President, Doni Smith:  Updated the membership on the following items:

  • Thank you to everyone who came on the boat ride and who showed up for the escort.
  • Thank you for 9/11 ceremony

Vice President Paul Livingston – updated the membership on the following.

  • Mutual Aide Members .vs. Full Members- policies will be put in place to protect you
  • There was a rumor going around that I was going to resign…that rumor is false

Secretary, Jessica McKinney – updated the membership on the following.

  • 1st reading of the resignation letter from Armondo Andreine
  • Reading of a thank you card from the Firemen’s Home regarding the boat ride.


Treasurer, Bob Leombruno  –  updated the membership on the following.


  • 20 vouchers tottaling 7,301.88

Director, Garrett Ramsey- updated the membership on the following.  


  • no report




Director, Mike Parsons – updated the membership on the following.

  • Max Ross funeral will be this Saturday October 7, 2018 starting promptly at 1:00pm. Meet at the firehouse at 12:15pm

Director, Mac MacDonald – updated the membership on the following.


  • Board and By-law committee are working really hard on updating the by-laws. If you have anything to say or would like a say please show up to the next meeting or e-mail Doni your thoughts and complaints

Chief, Scott Smith  –   updated the membership on the following.

  • Thank you for the good responses
  • Bolton 100th anniversary parade
  • 9/11 ceremony
  • 10/3- firefighter 2 class one truck will be oos to training center 331 will be oos for the day Saturday for ff2 class.
  • Village will be paving streets this week so please use caution while responding

1st Asst. Chief, Matt Oswald – updated the membership on the following.

  • Drills- 9th 1800 dive, 16th 1800 walk thru lghs, dive 1800, maintenance 1900.
  • Dates are out for fire police
  • Dates are out for sims class
  • Achilles pump has a broken plastic tab on it
  • 2 tablets will be installed into trucks soon
  • Everyone who can dive at these next few drills please try to make it out.

2nd Asst. Chief– Jeremy Crispell

  • Write clearly on call sheets and fill out to the best of your ability
  • 630 pm dive meeting on the 10th
  • New hydrant on prospect and mohician and more will be installed soon

Captain Brandon Combs – updated the membership on the following. 

  • State survey

1st Lieutenant John Cocozza – updated the Membership on the following

  • Excused for class

2nd Lieutenant Austin Gentner – updated the membership on the following. 

  • 331’s gas meter has a problem. 130’s gas meter is on 331 for now.
  • Be cautions while filling up the watering cans





Standing Committees


Membership, Scott Smith- no report.


Nominating, Bill Manion – no report.


Auditing, John Kearney – no report.




By-Law, Doni Smith – doing pretty good. Moving forward. Next meeting will be Wednesday the 24th at 7pm. Article 5 section d.


Fire Prevention, John Cocozza- Friday at 6pm will be bag packing. Pizza will be provided


Phil Wood Award, Bill Manion – no report


Scholarship, Don Fangboner – no report


Social, Doni Smith – no report


Chaplain, Bill Manion- Camille Calodudo is fairly ill in Albany med she has a request of privacy toby bombard- had a bad stroke and is currently in Albany med and Marlyn Bray also had a stroke and is being moved to the Stanton


House, Don Fangboner- no report


Family Festival/Craft Show, Matt Oswald- no report


Fundraising, Mac MacDonald- scuba patches have been ordered and should be here within a week


Parade/Uniform- Garrett Ramsey/John Cocozza- no report


Public Relations, Scott Smith-


Recruitment and Retention/LOSAP- Mike Parsons/Bob Leombruno- LOSAP sheets will be passed around. September and the 9 month ended in September, both are posted. Parades and Fundraisers were always their own category but I was informed that they are not and they are under Miscelanious and some people could be losing up to 12 points and will only have 3 months to try to make up those points. I will be in contact with Penflex tomorrow to find out. There is a maximum of 15 points under miscellaneous.


Vehicles, Garrett Ramsey- As a thank you from Warrensburg Car Care free oil change


Hudson Valley/ FASNY, Bill Manion– no report.  



Special Committees


Sergeant-at-Arms, Bud Gerber- no report.


Auxiliary, Doni Smith- basket show



A motion was made by Brandon Combs seconded by Matt Oswald to accept the Special Committee and Standing Committee reports as read.  All in favor, no opposition, motion carried.


Old Business:

  • By-Law Article V section B number 3 amendment read to membership for the 2nd time after being posted for 30 days. Discussion. There is a flaw in the old by-law that all retired members are entitled into this benefit and this by-law needs to be changed to protect us from having to pay out to numerous people. Robb Hickey would like to have it called a “Participating Life Member” so that all life members who are unable to make LOSAP will still be entitled to the benefit. Bob Leombruno mentioned that it will not be an issue for Robb Hickey to make his 50 points for LOSAP, other life members are able to do it. 16 yes 10 no and 1 abstention. Needs 2/3rd membership vote. Did not pass.

New Business:

  • Nothing at this time.


Closing Prayer – given by Bill Manion


A motion was made by Brad Lashway seconded by Matt Oswald to adjourn at 8:10 pm.



Respectfully submitted,


Jessica McKinney

Secretary, LGVFC