Minutes of the Monthly Business Meeting
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Meeting called to order by President Doni Smith at 7:02 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance led by Bud Gerber.
Opening prayer was done by Mac MacDonald
Attendance sheet is being passed around.
A motion made by Brandon Combs seconded by Eric Beecher to accept the Business Meeting Minutes from August 8,2018 with all in favor, no opposition, motion approved.
Kitchen Duties: Mac MacDonald, Dennis Mitchell, Matt Oswald
President, Doni Smith: Updated the membership on the following items:
- 9/11 ceremony, next Tuesday in Warrensburg, auxiliary will be attending
- Firemens home boat ride is Wednesday the 12th. Boarding at 11:00 cruising from 12-2.
Vice President Paul Livingston – updated the membership on the following.
- Cell phones on the table, please do not be using them unless it is an emergency in which case, take it outside
- Thank you to the firemen who raised money for Max Ross’ funeral costs
Secretary, Jessica McKinney – updated the membership on the following.
- 2nd reading of Ryan Tourge’s resignation letter. Accepted by the membership.
Treasurer, Bob Leombruno – updated the membership on the following.
- 29 vouchers submitted totaling $14,245.00
Director, Garrett Ramsey- updated the membership on the following.
- This winter my father is having a hip replacement- I am asking permission for a key for the time for my father to be able to use the firehouse for a rehabilitation and to just be able to walk around. Doni will speak to the village and get back to us if it is a liability.
Director, Mike Parsons – updated the membership on the following.
- We were very successful in the fundraising for Max Ross. His funeral will be on October 7, 2018 at 1:00PM at Evergreen Cemetery
Director, Mac MacDonald – updated the membership on the following.
- Nothing at this time
Chief, Scott Smith – updated the membership on the following.
- Read by Matt Oswald- please excuse my absence while I am away at class.
- Thank you to everyone for their turn out at family festival
- Please remember to turn in your tags to the appropriate location, gold tags stay on the truck and your red tags go to the safety officer on the scene before you go in to a building.
- Communicate with your crew in the back of the truck if you are the officer on the truck so they know what is expected of them at the scene.
- PFD’s need to be used while on a dive call!
- Friday and Saturday 6-10 standby with food provided please sign up for Car Show Stand-by
- 9/11 ceremony in Warrensburg, please be at the station no later then 5:45pm
1st Asst. Chief, Matt Oswald – updated the membership on the following.
- Compressor will be serviced this month
- Drills this month- 6:00 start time.
- Training schedule has been updated again, please check and see if there is anything you are interested in and see me.
2nd Asst. Chief– Jeremy Crispell
Captain Brandon Combs – updated the membership on the following.
- There has been a lot of hear say that interior men are more important than exterior men and that is not true, both exterior and interior firefighters are both important.
1st Lieutenant John Cocozza – updated the Membership on the following
- Everyone seems to be doing pretty well in their classes, keep up the good work.
- Good responses- keep them up!
2nd Lieutenant Austin Gentner – updated the membership on the following.
- All divers are encouraged to get in the water before the end of the season.
Standing Committees
Membership, Scott Smith- no report.
Nominating, Bill Manion – no report.
Auditing, John Kearney – no report.
By-Law, Doni Smith – Wednesday September 26, 2018 6:30pm by law meeting- membership is what is being discussed, article v. Reading of Article v Section B Number 3 amendment. Doni Smith would like it posted for 30 days. Discussion. Don Fangboner does not believe that this is not fair to have the “young guys” be the ones to vote on this. Will be posted for 30 days and discussed at next meeting.
Fire Prevention, John Cocozza- Called Elementary School today have about 320 kids and usually about 40 preschool
Phil Wood Award, Bill Manion – no report
Scholarship, Don Fangboner – no report
Social, Doni Smith – no report
Chaplain, Bill Manion- no report
House, Don Fangboner- no report
Family Festival/Craft Show, Matt Oswald- Due to work I was unable to attend this year, I feel I am going to be unable to fulfil my duties as chairman. I hear this year was a decent turn out. Thank you to everyone who showed up.
Fundraising, Mac MacDonald- Bill Manion turned in $3,200 from his store. T-shirts were not very successful this year at Family Festival
Parade/Uniform- Garrett Ramsey/John Cocozza- no report
Public Relations, Scott Smith-
Recruitment and Retention/LOSAP- Mike Parsons/Bob Leombruno- LOSAP sheets will be passed around.
Vehicles, Garrett Ramsey-
Hudson Valley/ FASNY, Bill Manion– Dress Parade for 2019 convention will be held in Coxsackie Hose No. 3
Special Committees
Sergeant-at-Arms, B Gerber- no report.
A motion was made by Brandon Combs seconded by John Cocozza to accept the Special Committee and Standing Committee reports as read. All in favor, no opposition, motion carried.
Old Business:
- Nothing at this time
New Business:
- Mac MacDonald would like to see the NYS Chief’s show come back here now that we have the Marriott and the Park is done.
- We had 2 antique fire extinguishers donated to us.
- Paul Livingston got a car donated, if you see it in the annex parking lot with no plates, that is what it is.
Closing Prayer – given by Mac MacDonald
A motion was made by Austin Gentner seconded by Matt Oswald to adjourn at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica McKinney
Secretary, LGVFC