Minutes of the Monthly Business Meeting
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Meeting called to order by President Smith at 7:10 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance led by Bud Gerber.
Opening prayer was done by Bill Manion.
Attendance sheet is being passed around.
A motion made by Brandon seconded by Dennis to accept the Business Meeting Minutes from June 2018 with all in favor, no opposition, motion approved.
President, Doni Smith: Updated the membership on the following items:
- Kitchen duties – Tyler, Bob, Don
- The Tag Day letter is going out this week. A motion was made by Johnny and 2nd by Brandon to send out the Tag Day letter. All in favor. No opposition, motion carried.
- Thank you to Johnny for coming in and shampooing all of the carpets in the firehouse.
- Thank you to everyone who came for Mardi Gras and the Dress Parade.
- Chicken BBQ is this Friday, July 6. Thank you for all donations thus far.
- A/C should be getting fixed soon.
Vice President Paul Livingston – updated the membership on the following.
- Nothing at this time.
Secretary, Jessica McKinney – updated the membership on the following.
- Thank you letter from Kathy Cummins
- Thank you letter from Joe Hanlon family
Treasurer, Bob Leombruno – updated the membership on the following.
- 24 vouchers totaling $8054.63
Director, Garrett Ramsey- updated the membership on the following.
- Nothing at this time
Director, M Parsons – updated the membership on the following.
- Nothing at this time.
Director, Mac MacDonald – updated the membership on the following.
- Nothing at this time.
Chief, S Smith – updated the membership on the following.
- Congratulations and Welcome to the new members.
- Keep up the good response
- Please make sure there is no stickers or patches or anything along those lines on your helmet, or gear issued by the company unless it is approved by the Chief.
- Please make sure that you are carefully responding to calls and not using excessive speeds. We have had complaints by neighbors in the area.
1st Asst. Chief, M Oswald – updated the membership on the following.
- Excused for work. Chief Smith has his report.
- Watch fuel levels on 132 and 134.
- New schedule for trainings are out
- 7-9 and 7-16 fit testing 1800
2nd Asst. – J Crispell
- Excused for work
- Reports are going good. Please make sure that you write in the summary of the call. Please put a star next to your name on the sheet if you were the riding sheet
Captain B Combs – updated the membership on the following.
- Chicken BBQ is this weekend.
- Driving list; Scott and Brandon are going to make a list of people who are able to drive
- Watch the driving to the station- always obey traffic laws
- Please watch yourself in the heat this summer and stay hydrated.
1st Lieutenant J Cocozza – updated the Membership on the following
- Welcome to new members
- Tommorow for 4th of July, please try to use IAR so we know what crew we have coming
- Great response to the dive call yesterday- 22 people
- Keep up the good responses
2nd Lieutenant A Gentner – updated the membership on the following.
- Excused for work. Captain Combs has his report.
- Gas meters are calibrated.
- Flir camera batteries have been changed
- Use caution when responding to calls with increased traffic.
- It’s hot out, stay hydrated.
- Congratulations to Craig Underwood for being hired by LGEMS and to Joe Oswald for being hired by Luzerne EMS
- Great job to everyone on the ECHO call at the boulders
- Dive drills on Sunday’s have been changed from 7am to 8am, leaving the station no later than 8:30.
- Good job with responses, please remember to keep the trucks filled up
- Going to be having a meeting with Bob Bulman for a pre-plan for dive calls.
Standing Committees
Auditing, J Kearney – no report.
By-law, D Smith – Meeting 7-23 at 7pm
Fire Prevention, J Cocozza – contacting the school for head count for October
Ray went last month to the church and did a fire prevention presentation and the
Youth Commission kids came up here
Insurance, D Smith – no report
Membership, S Smith- no report
Nominating, B Manion – no report
Phil Wood Award, B Manion- no report
Scholarship, – no report
Social, D Smith – nothing at this time
Auxiliary, D Smith – Doing wonderful help for the Chicken BBQ this year
Chaplain, B Manion – Nice memorial service at the Convention this year
Special Committees
Sergeant-at-Arms, B Gerber-
Family Festival, M Oswald – Thank you for help with set up and break down of the June craft fair.
FASNY/HVVFA, B Manion- Convention is in Latham as of right now there is no parades.
Fund Raising – M MacDonald – New hoodies will not be ordered at this time. The price of them has gone up too high.
Bill Manion turned in $2,030 from the store.
House – D Fangboner – no report
Parade/Uniform, G. Ramsey – got everyone in a uniform to march in the dress parade even all 4 of the new members
Public Relations – S Smith– no report.
Recruitment/Retention, M Parsons – no report.
LOSAP, Bob Leombruno – LOSAP report for last month is being passed around and will be posted after tonight’s meeting.
Vehicles, Garrett Ramsey – Matt’s Chief’s car has new rims getting put on plus an inspection and service is due. Dive van is also going to need some front-end work soon.
A motion was made by Brandon seconded by Dennis to accept the Special Committee and Standing Committee reports as read. All in favor, no opposition, motion carried.
Old Business:
- What was said last month during Asst. Chief Crispell’s report last month about attire on EMS scenes was not true and was not actually said.
- Watch how you respond to calls in Chief’s cars.
- Family Fun day- Doni spoke to Kevin from Warrensburg Fire- they have all of the materials and we should be able to get the $1,500 fee waived for Charles park.
New Business:
- DEC grant applications is in and it is a $1,500 matching. Chief Smith made a motion that we apply and if we get the grant we will match the $1,500 DEC grant this was 2nd by Bill Manion. This motion was tabled until next month until further investigation into the budget. *Village Money*
- Terry Combs has just been appointed a new K-9 unit. The Warren County K-9 unit is looking for donations to help keep the K-9 unit Paul made a motion that we donate $150 to the Warren County K-9 unit 2nd by Bob Evans. Motion Passed.
Closing Prayer – given by B Manion.
A motion was made by Johnny seconded by Mac to adjourn at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica McKinney
Secretary, LGVFC