Minutes of the Monthly Business Meeting
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Meeting called to order by President Smith at 7:08 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance led by Bud Gerber.
Opening prayer was done by Bill Manion.
Attendance sheet is being passed around.
A motion made by Garrett seconded by Damon to accept the Business Meeting Minutes from May 2017 with all in favor, no opposition, motion approved.
President, Doni Smith: Updated the membership on the following items:
- Kitchen duties – Eric, Ray, Brandon
- Bolton fire is having their 100th anniversary and the Board decided to order a plaque for them. It will be coming soon.
- Chronicle has an ad out for an article congratulating Bolton Fire, would we like to put an ad in the chronicle for them?
- Robb has a motion on the floor for a quarter of a page for $315 seconded by Paul 20 yes, 1 no, 1 abstention
- New computer in the comm room.
Vice President Paul Livingston – updated the membership on the following.
- Internet and Computer policy-there is no photos or videos to be taken on scene or at a drill and posted on any sort of social media without prior authorization from the Chief or President. A copy of our policy was signed by all of the members tonight.
Secretary, Jessica McKinney – updated the membership on the following.
- Resignation letter from Michael Shaughnessy 2nd reading
- Resignation letter from Jason Berry 2nd reading
- Updated information forms for all members were passed around tonight.
Treasurer, Bob Leombruno – updated the membership on the following.
- 12 vouchers $10,971.33
Director, Garrett Ramsey- updated the membership on the following.
- No report
Director, M Parsons – updated the membership on the following.
- No report
Director, Mac MacDonald – updated the membership on the following.
- Absent
Chief, S Smith – updated the membership on the following.
- Thank for participation in memorial day parade
- Thank for response to Paxton rd drowning
- Americade is here. Standby Friday and Saturday Night. Sign up sheet outside the comm room. Please use caution while coming to calls and going to calls.
- HVVFA Parade is June 22nd and 23rd
- Chief Show at Turning Stone. Would like to get a crew together to go June 14th.
- Armondo is now Fire Police 6 on the radios.
- Find a place to park in the back for the summer. Meter Maids don’t mind if you do for a call but not for meetings or just hanging out here.
- If you don’t have a fire plate for your vehicle please see me.
- Hollis and Ryan are now black helmets. Congrats to them.
- T3- the village and town have decided to fix it. They would like to wait 2 years to buy a new truck and get more money in the capital reserve. We are going to make a committee to get more specs together on the truck.
1st Asst. Chief, M Oswald – updated the membership on the following.
- Excused for work. Chief Smith has his report.
- If there are any issues with breathing compressor notify a line officer
- Excellent recovery at Paxton Rd call
- New physical date will be out this weekend hopefully. An e-mail will be sent out.
- ECHO is no longer what is being dispatched. Called a CPR Response on dispatch.
- Class schedule is posted outside the comm room door, if there are any classes you are interested in please see the Chief to get signed up.
2nd Asst. – J Crispell
- Fire Report: 52 calls for the month of May
- Thank you to everyone that came out for the dive call on Paxton Rd.
- Going to really try to work on dive drills this summer.
- Dive Comm works well so please make sure you are using it.
- Achilles is OOS, should be picked up soon.
- When starting the boat it may need a little extra throttle to get it going.
- Meeting will be happening soon about First Response.
- When going on EMS calls please park further away or at the next driveway over so that the ambulance has plenty of space to park and move around to get the patient. Also, please be cautious of your attire, no dirty, old, or ripped clothing.
- Going on brush fire calls. If you have brush gear please wear it but also bring your turnout gear in case on the call or on the way back we are dispatched to another call.
- 331 is in the process of being fixed.
Captain B Combs – updated the membership on the following.
- Please watch yourself coming to the firehouse this week and this summer.
1st Lieutenant J Cocozza – updated the Membership on the following
- Please be safe this week and this summer as well.
2nd Lieutenant A Gentner – updated the membership on the following.
- Excused for work. Chief Smith has his report:
- Gas meters have been calibrated and are all set to go. Any questions or concerns please see him.
Standing Committees
Auditing, J Kearney – no report.
By-law, D Smith – We are working on them. There are some procedures to work on first
Fire Prevention, J Cocozza – 2 weeks ago Brandon and I went and did fire prevention with the foreigners for the summer at the Catholic Church. It seemed to go well.
Insurance, D Smith – no report
Membership, S Smith- 4 applications:
- Nicholas Benjamin: 25 yes 3 no 0 abstentions
- Eric Meixner: 25 yes 2 no 0 abstentions
- Richard White 23 yes 4 no 0 abstentions
- Jason Liguori- MA Member-
Nominating, B Manion – no report
Phil Wood Award, B Manion- no report
Scholarship, – Demetria Fish was our winner this year.
Social, D Smith – nothing at this time
Auxiliary, D Smith – re-doing flowers for the trumpet
Mardi Gras Meeting
Chaplain, B Manion – Dorthoy Sica passed away, A Sympathy card will be sent to the family.
Special Committees
Sergeant-at-Arms, B Gerber – Memorial Day-
Family Festival, M Oswald – June 21-24 is the craft show. Watch e-mails for manpower needed.
FASNY/HVVFA, B Manion- Convention opens June 20th
Fund Raising – M MacDonald – t-shirts will be sold in town during convention.
House – D Fangboner – everything is looking good. Ladies need paper towels.
Parade/Uniform, G. Ramsey – no report
Public Relations – S Smith– no report.
Recruitment/Retention, M Parsons – no report.
LOSAP, Bob Leombruno – LOSAP report for last month is being passed around and will be posted after tonight’s meeting.
Vehicles, Garrett Ramsey – Matt’s Chief’s car’s tires are getting low on air every day and are down about 10 pounds each time at fill up.
A motion was made by Johnny seconded by Eric to accept the Special Committee and Standing Committee reports as read. All in favor, no opposition, motion carried.
Old Business:
- Bathrooms are getting sloppy again.
- Thank you to who showed up to the dedication site on the corner of route 9 and route 9n.
- Bill turned in $1,000 in t-shirt sales.
New Business:
- Ray would like to put a brick by the fountain for Max Ross as a member of the fire department.
- Chicken BBQ is next month. Letters will be going out to donors this week. We would like to get some more extra signs and banner. We have extra money into the budget. Brandon made a motion for 2 signs and 1 banner 2nd by Eric. All in favor. Motion carried.
- Family Festival: Ladies would like to do a coin drop on Friday night and we will still do ours on Saturday night.
- Discussion of a Family Fun Night- LAFA, this would be for 2019. We can reach out and see if fire companies would like to participate in it. We would like to use the rec center. Shoot date is Sept 14, 2019. We will gather information and come back to this subject.
- Fundraiser committee should look into doing a golf tournament at Cronins or Top of the World.
- Reimbursement back to Russ for the recovery of the files on the Chief’s computer. The bill is $1,500 total. The village has agreed to pay half of the bill.
- A motion is on the floor by Paul that we pay half and the village pays the other half of the $1,500- 2nd by Brandon. Discussion. 22 yes 2 no 0 abstentions.
- We will put a letter in his file that we have made a decision that if and when he decides to come back to the fire company he will not be issued a Chief’s uniform. He will start back fresh and issued a black uniform and black helmet and the letter will state what he did to the department/company.
Closing Prayer – given by B Manion.
A motion was made by John seconded by Brandon to adjourn at 9:08 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica McKinney
Secretary, LGVFC